Thursday, July 30, 2009

Replacement For Phisohex

Appeal against the "Package Security "

We have learned to fly like birds, swim like a


but we have not learned the art of living together as brothers

[Martin Luther King]

No to the barbarism of an unjust law.

against the "security package", called for a welcoming society.

The law passed by the Senate on July 3 (DL 733/08 - Security package) marks a turning point in Italian civic life.

against the values \u200b\u200bof equality and citizenship that inspired the Constitution,

- against the very foundations of democracy,

- against the value of solidarity,

- against the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the Child and that our legislation has transposed into national law, this measure introduces

discriminatory laws, establishing the crime of illegally punishing the people for specific crimes, but because of their ethnicity, their identity cultural and economic needs of their state.

This law, based on assumptions propaganda, creates a dangerous climate of fear and suspicion that will eventually feed the underground, make it even more invisible illegal immigrants - especially on the job - and will lead to substantial limitations in the exercise of fundamental rights (Subscriptions to, marriages, health, school, ...).

We believe that the entry and illegal residence are not categorized as a form of lawlessness to strike indiscriminately at anyone who, by the mere fact of being human person brings with them a minimum of rights that can not be violated, penalty the barbarism of the whole society.

The migration process is complex, exaggerated and distorted today by unjust economic globalization, supported by the exploitation of labor and natural resources, which perpetuates and exacerbates social inequalities at the global level. Only global guarantee of equal opportunity, respect for cultural diversity, political, economic, in the long run can loosen the grip of forced migration. In contrast, only one anti-historical attitude, myopic and racist in practice, can think of to deal with and regulate a worldwide phenomenon with inappropriate and unnecessary legislation "bad" based on the logic of fear and in defense of the closure of a limited area .

We believe that there should be brushed aside the claim to read any social phenomenon in the single optical insecurity fueled by a fear-induced, amplified and cultivated, and that it is essential to carry out promotional activities rather than support and integration, such a positive way Forward-looking over time to build a society which can only be multiethnic and multicultural for a safer and healthier future.

We appeal only to the common but important duty of solidarity, but looking for solutions just and reasonable that the primary duty of politics.

We urge all persons, associations underlying the civic life of Cuneo and institutions responsibly and take a clear position in favor of those solutions and against this climate of discrimination and fear that recalls the dramatic years of our history, starting as a very effective partnership to protect and consolidate the gains of democracy, civil society and social justice that are precious and irreplaceable heritage of our community and all humanity.

have so far responded to the appeal:

table of associations of Cuneo, ACLI, Acmos, Amnesty International, Apex-Busch, Association of hope and development of the Moroccan community of Cuneo, Cuneo-Cipes, evangelical circles-Cuneo-Civica Cuneo, Community of Mamre, Dituttiicolori, Onlus, Legambiente-Cuneo, Group Vernante Besides, Free-Cuneo, LVIA, Mondoqui, Paths of Peace, Santos-Milani, School of pace-Boves, Voices of the world-Dronfield.

They also signed:

MRIAH Abd Latif, Boumehdi Abdelghani, Maria AMERICA, Patrick Barelli, Amal BERROUBI, Ezio Bertaina, Gino BERTONE, BIOL Fabrizio, Sandro Bobbi Bottasso Franco, Elena COMETTI, Oreste DELFINO, Rachid ELYANDOUZI, Gianni Fabris In FIERRO, Gigi Garelli, Elizabeth GHIO, Franco Giordano, Simon Hardt, Constance LERDA, Norma Moszkowski, Otman NAFIL, Sergio WORD , M. Piera Peano, Alberto Romussi, Ursula Romussi, Marco Sasia, Lena SCORNEICA, Mario Tretola, Luisa Varetto.
To join send an email to: gigi.garelli @


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