Appello antirazzista: le valli cuneesi rifiutino il razzismo
Se voi avete il diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri, allora vi dirò che, nel vostro senso, io non ho Patria e reclamo il diritto di dividere il mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall’altro. Gli uni sono la mia patria, gli altri i miei stranieri (don Lorenzo Milani).
Il prossimo 11 settembre, sulle nostre montagne, la Lega Nord metterà in scena un rito inventato qualche anno fa che usa il Po per cercare di dimostrare che rappresenta le nostre terre e le nostre valli.
La Lega Nord è un partito razzista che:
· propone e sostiene la divisione dell’Italia (ricordate la Jugoslavia ?)
· fa parte di un governo che ha peggiorato le condizioni di chi lavora, dei pensionati, distrugge la scuola pubblica, toglie risorse ai comuni di montagna, che attacca la libertà di stampa e di espressione, che partecipa a guerre in altri continenti
· che fa le campagne elettorali respingendo barche di disperati e disperate che scappano dalle guerre, mandandoli in Libia nei campi di concentramento (accordo Berlusconi and Gaddafi).
Our valleys have a history of great independence from the state and religious powers, have fought 60 years ago, against fascism and Nazism, those monsters that, by racism, had destroyed Europe, they protected hundreds Jews fleeing persecution.
have known hunger and misery, when men and women leave to seek work in France or the Americas and were subject to racism and discrimination, have experienced and know the abandonment and exclusion, the result of political and economic policies wrong of land use decisions and senseless robbery.
The valleys and the mountain did not invent the borders borders. The Occitan language Italian is spoken in the valleys as in the valleys of France. King is on the top of the hole of the face that speaks of communication, dialogue among peoples. The divisions we have not looked at when we created but the senseless nationalism led to the war and forced the youth to kill and be killed.
culture and tradition of our valleys reject intolerance and racism. The partisan struggle marked the commitment of these valleys to build a free land for free men and women, racial hatred and barriers have led to war: we want a society based on social justice, freedom and self-determination where of peoples and the promotion of our cultures and our language does not mean hatred and nationalism but respect for diversity.
We therefore invite all men and women who believe in these values \u200b\u200bto participate
FRIDAY 'September 11, from 15 to 19 hours
the garrison to be held in Paesana
, Piazza Vittorio Veneto (opposite the Pro Loco)
Everyone, everyone brings musical instruments and typical for a party, popular, anti-racism, for free men and women in a free land.
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