Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sample Letter To Parentsrecorders


I do not like birthdays.
In particular, it is quite a lot 'of years I do not like my birthday.
I still remember when my brother in law gave a party to celebrate its 50 years. I asked him what he thought of having to really celebrate ... I did not understand, and I of course refused to do the same for mine, for 50 years.
But it is a bit 'of days that my children and my wife tease me, in view of today, with a note on the most delicate continually remember the "advantage" that now I have a movie, with discount 1.50 Euros reserved for the over ...
Then, yesterday started to get good wishes on Face Book, and they were really a lot ..
Then they started to get text messages and phone calls. And most of the gifts I received from friends dell'arcosfera.
Enough, I said. I have to take note that this unwelcome birthday there, and thank you all for having remembered this date irrelevant.

What better place to thank except through Arcosfera, faendo while the good intentions for years to come?
Yes, dear friends dell'arcosfera, thank you for remembering my birthday, and in particular about this. Not accomplished many times sixty, and even if I count to double, I must admit that I am a single goal in the existence of a person. If
then I think I spent as many as 37 of these nell'arcosfera account and that he spends all those who have yet to arrive, I realize the concrete way as the archery abbia pesato nella mia vita fino ad ora.
Il tiro con l’arco mi ha dato tantissimo, con soddisfazioni immense come le medaglie olimpiche di Michele ed i titoli mondiali e le innumerevoli vittorie di Michele e Carla, e altrettante immense delusioni come la mancata medaglia a squadre di Atene 2004. Ho fatto per il tiro con l’arco tante cose note e riconosciute e tante cose ignote, ho vinto tante battaglie e ne ho perse altrettante, ma ho comunque lasciato il segno fino ad ora in innumerevoli situazioni che hanno influenzato e influenzano l’evoluzione del tiro con l’arco mondiale e italiano.
Intanto, nel trascorrere degli anni, ho visto tanti che come me avevano dato il loro cuore al tiro con l’arco lasciarci definitivamente and be quickly forgotten. The only love for a sport not enough for an immortal place in history and even those who have been major players for many years will soon become little more than a mention in a short chapter summary of what is the history of the Italian Archery and World.
In the book of his own dedicated Giancarlo Castrati History of Archery Italian and World, re-edited for the last (third) in 2002, the years of history are summed up in less than a page and there are hundreds the characters "famous" of our sport that are not even mentioned.
do not deceive me and then you can also get a quote a few lines in a possible future edition of that history, but this does not change the substance of the facts and the way I act and think for sport in my life, and I promise that today in the first place to myself and then to those who have expressed tuti their appreciation and affection and will continue, as always, to deal not only of my backyard archery but also to continue to seek ways and solutions to make more pleasant, experienced and winning our beloved sport.
Today is just a day like many others. In a few minutes publish this article and leave home to go to the shooting range. There are new archers to educate, to train Michele, a little 'maintenance to be done. Tomorrow morning, two young Irishmen arrive Gallarate to train with me until the weekend, while among the other Friday I have to prepare the ground for the CAM 900 Round 1 May (and that is the day of compeleanno Michele), now in its 30th edition, complete with Galletto attached Tournament. But then, there will be a second book to be completed, other articles of Arcosfera to write, other battles to fight, I hope with you. Life goes on as usual for me nell'arcosfera, although today they are 60.


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