Sunday, October 31, 2010

Imperial International Older Flatware


Al posto di leggere altre, e forse più importanti letture, ho concluso this weekend Q , a book that you can easily define a classic of Italian literature, the beginning of New Epic in the novel.

signed with the pseudonym Luther Blissett (bin legendary AC Milan in the '80s), was written by a collective of writers who changed his name to Wu Ming ( anonymous in Chinese). These are one of the best news in the literary field of the last 15 years, and carry out a project that you can learn on their site , from which you can download for free all their texts, even the ' Last "Altai" which incorporates the setting of "Q" (double reason to read it now).

We can define then a historical novel in which love, espionage, international politics and religion are woven into a scene of wars and rebellions, persecution and defeat.
So there's everything you need to capture the reader's attention and involvement in the moods of the character, true heretic heresy.

The book tells of fact one of the most turbulent periods of European history that followed the posting of 95 theses of Martin Luther, with the uprising of the peasants who took seriously the words of liberation and Protestantism portò, come l'avversione alle gerarchie ecclesiastiche e ai nobili che sfruttavano quel potere. Thomas Müntzer su tutti fu il simbolo di quella ribellione egualitaria, e il grido "omnia sunt communia" attraversò la bocca di interi popoli e generazioni.

Ma come la storia dimostra, rappresenta anche la sconfitta di chi si è battuto per quell'ideale, nel 500 come nel secolo scorso.

Però cosa può dire questo grido a noi, in perenne ricerca di un "socialismo del XXI secolo"? La risposta ce la offre proprio il libro: "Non rinnegare mai a te stesso ciò per cui hai combattuto, Peter. La sconfitta non rende ingiusta una causa. Ricordalo sempre. (pag.335)".

And then you just have to try, to sail in open sea and still look for other routes to the same destination, a world free from inequality and injustice, where everything is all and nothing for anyone.

Imperial International Older Flatware


Al posto di leggere altre, e forse più importanti letture, ho concluso this weekend Q , a book that you can easily define a classic of Italian literature, the beginning of New Epic in the novel.

signed with the pseudonym Luther Blissett (bin legendary AC Milan in the '80s), was written by a collective of writers who changed his name to Wu Ming ( anonymous in Chinese). These are one of the best news in the literary field of the last 15 years, and carry out a project that you can learn on their site , from which you can download for free all their texts, even the ' Last "Altai" which incorporates the setting of "Q" (double reason to read it now).

We can define then a historical novel in which love, espionage, international politics and religion are woven into a scene of wars and rebellions, persecution and defeat.
So there's everything you need to capture the reader's attention and involvement in the moods of the character, true heretic heresy.

The book tells of fact one of the most turbulent periods of European history that followed the posting of 95 theses of Martin Luther, with the uprising of the peasants who took seriously the words of liberation and Protestantism portò, come l'avversione alle gerarchie ecclesiastiche e ai nobili che sfruttavano quel potere. Thomas Müntzer su tutti fu il simbolo di quella ribellione egualitaria, e il grido "omnia sunt communia" attraversò la bocca di interi popoli e generazioni.

Ma come la storia dimostra, rappresenta anche la sconfitta di chi si è battuto per quell'ideale, nel 500 come nel secolo scorso.

Però cosa può dire questo grido a noi, in perenne ricerca di un "socialismo del XXI secolo"? La risposta ce la offre proprio il libro: "Non rinnegare mai a te stesso ciò per cui hai combattuto, Peter. La sconfitta non rende ingiusta una causa. Ricordalo sempre. (pag.335)".

And then you just have to try, to sail in open sea and still look for other routes to the same destination, a world free from inequality and injustice, where everything is all and nothing for anyone.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Raylene Richards In Bathtub

referred! / 2

Undoubtedly the contents of the accusations that the federal prosecutor charged in his letter to me surprised me.

In short, I intentionally misrepresented information given to me verbally by Fausto Pennestrì the federal budget to discredit the Federation and in my article I would have even accused of concealing the same 2.7 million euros.

I immediately went to re-read the article Arcosfera of "three magic numbers" to see if I had actually written such a trifle, but as everyone can easily see, obviously I have not found anything like that in my writing.
The overall figure the availability of the 2009 budget had been communicated to me in Penestrì 5 million Euros. If the amount was different, of course I could not know, because the budget is no longer submitted to the National Assembly for years, nor could they invent for the same reason.
addition, if the estimates made of the various types of expenditure were missing about 2.7 million, the fact that no one knew where they had been spent was still to be found in the "classified status" of the budget. There is no doubt that the budget had been legally certified by the auditors. Simply, many doubt whether the majority of the Federal Council and the Presidents of the Regional Committee had no idea on what items of expenditure, this figure had been distributed (real doubts personally verified in several interviews with the subjects).
Moreover, knowing Fausto Pennestrì for over 30 years and having a decades-long experience nel'analisi Budgetary FITARCO, I felt quite strange that anyone would doubt the information given to me by the same behind specific questions or that it would retract them lightly.
The accusations were so outlandish enough to trigger my curiosity to understand what the real problem, beyond the natural (?) FITARCO desire for retaliation against me.

whereupon the assurances given to me by affiliation, however, the FITARCO of Justice and the Rules of the same, I formally requested the Secretariat FITARCO all documentation relating to the case, including of course the Budget 2008 and 2009, a copy of the complaint and Penenstrì excerpt of the minutes of the Federal Council with the unanimous approval of my referral.
I had to go in person to Rome to collect the required documents, taking advantage of the occasion to check with the Secretary-General I estimate the numerical strength of staff seconded to CONI FITARCO over the years the subject of my investigation. It should be recalled that the personal and FITARCO is partly dependent and partly detached from the CONI and paid by them directly. A budgetary comparison between the budgets of different years can not therefore leave dall’ assegnazione di un valore di riferimento al  personale “gratuito” in carica nell’anno.

Qualche giorno di analisi sui documenti, con la collaborazione di un revisore contabile,  poi ho inviato al procuratore  la mia lettera di controdeduzioni che potete leggere qui , accompagnata dalla tabellina comparativa di bilanci 2003 (ultimo consegnato alle società) e di quelli 2008 e 2009 che invece potete trovare qui.
Lasciandovi al piacere della lettura dei due documenti,  vi giuro che sono rimasto letteralmente sconvolto da quanto emerso dall’analisi del Bilancio 2009.

Avevo chiesto a Penenstrì: “mi ricordo che il bilancio 2003 di quando c’ero ancora io in Consiglio federale era di circa 3,5 milioni, ora sarà ben sopra i quattro ?
La risposta era stata: “ E, no, sono più di 5 .. perché  Scarzella è bravo a chiedere contributi al CONI… “
Il bilancio 2009 completo in mio possesso mostra un complessivo di  5 Milioni  circa cui vanno aggiunti circa 300 Mila euro di valorizzazione del personale CONI in uso gratuito nell’anno.  Circa 5,3 Milioni di Euro complessivi a disposizione, perfettamente in linea con l’informazione fornitami da Pennestrì, contro i 3,5 milioni circa del bilancio 2003.

Ma i 2,7 Milioni che ritenevo semplicemente “spesi male non si sa dove” per ben oltre 1,8 Milioni di Euro erano lì, in  bella vista ul bilancio, nelle due voci Riserve e Rimanenze dello stato patrimoniale.
Ebbene sì, la nostra Federazione, che piange continuamente miseria con i Comitati Regionali, che due anni fa ha aumentato la tassa gare e tagliati i contributi  arbitrali alle società, che stanzia nel 2010 solo 50 Mila Euro per contributi to plant after years of absence thereof, and that does not send full teams to travel to the World Cup because it has no funds had cash reserves at the end of 2009 to over 1.8 million that thoroughly explained the mystery of 2.7 Million.

Over 40 thousand euros of interest income from banks to emphasize the existence of budget reserve funds that carry enormous amounts of course to be the question aside for what? But that is another story.

Meanwhile, the Federal Prosecutor, received my counter-arguments, all’apparenza senza neppure leggerle approfonditamente, ha trasferito il tutto alla Commissione di Giustizia FITARCO con la lettera che potete leggere qui .

Venerdì  22 Ottobre 2010 alle ore 10:00 presso la FITARCO avrà luogo la prima udienza presso la Commissione di Giustizia. L’udienza è pubblica  ed i curiosi sono i benvenuti . 

Per tutti gli altri, alla prossima puntata!

Raylene Richards In Bathtub

referred! / 2

Undoubtedly the contents of the accusations that the federal prosecutor charged in his letter to me surprised me.

In short, I intentionally misrepresented information given to me verbally by Fausto Pennestrì the federal budget to discredit the Federation and in my article I would have even accused of concealing the same 2.7 million euros.

I immediately went to re-read the article Arcosfera of "three magic numbers" to see if I had actually written such a trifle, but as everyone can easily see, obviously I have not found anything like that in my writing.
The overall figure the availability of the 2009 budget had been communicated to me in Penestrì 5 million Euros. If the amount was different, of course I could not know, because the budget is no longer submitted to the National Assembly for years, nor could they invent for the same reason.
addition, if the estimates made of the various types of expenditure were missing about 2.7 million, the fact that no one knew where they had been spent was still to be found in the "classified status" of the budget. There is no doubt that the budget had been legally certified by the auditors. Simply, many doubt whether the majority of the Federal Council and the Presidents of the Regional Committee had no idea on what items of expenditure, this figure had been distributed (real doubts personally verified in several interviews with the subjects).
Moreover, knowing Fausto Pennestrì for over 30 years and having a decades-long experience nel'analisi Budgetary FITARCO, I felt quite strange that anyone would doubt the information given to me by the same behind specific questions or that it would retract them lightly.
The accusations were so outlandish enough to trigger my curiosity to understand what the real problem, beyond the natural (?) FITARCO desire for retaliation against me.

whereupon the assurances given to me by affiliation, however, the FITARCO of Justice and the Rules of the same, I formally requested the Secretariat FITARCO all documentation relating to the case, including of course the Budget 2008 and 2009, a copy of the complaint and Penenstrì excerpt of the minutes of the Federal Council with the unanimous approval of my referral.
I had to go in person to Rome to collect the required documents, taking advantage of the occasion to check with the Secretary-General I estimate the numerical strength of staff seconded to CONI FITARCO over the years the subject of my investigation. It should be recalled that the personal and FITARCO is partly dependent and partly detached from the CONI and paid by them directly. A budgetary comparison between the budgets of different years can not therefore leave dall’ assegnazione di un valore di riferimento al  personale “gratuito” in carica nell’anno.

Qualche giorno di analisi sui documenti, con la collaborazione di un revisore contabile,  poi ho inviato al procuratore  la mia lettera di controdeduzioni che potete leggere qui , accompagnata dalla tabellina comparativa di bilanci 2003 (ultimo consegnato alle società) e di quelli 2008 e 2009 che invece potete trovare qui.
Lasciandovi al piacere della lettura dei due documenti,  vi giuro che sono rimasto letteralmente sconvolto da quanto emerso dall’analisi del Bilancio 2009.

Avevo chiesto a Penenstrì: “mi ricordo che il bilancio 2003 di quando c’ero ancora io in Consiglio federale era di circa 3,5 milioni, ora sarà ben sopra i quattro ?
La risposta era stata: “ E, no, sono più di 5 .. perché  Scarzella è bravo a chiedere contributi al CONI… “
Il bilancio 2009 completo in mio possesso mostra un complessivo di  5 Milioni  circa cui vanno aggiunti circa 300 Mila euro di valorizzazione del personale CONI in uso gratuito nell’anno.  Circa 5,3 Milioni di Euro complessivi a disposizione, perfettamente in linea con l’informazione fornitami da Pennestrì, contro i 3,5 milioni circa del bilancio 2003.

Ma i 2,7 Milioni che ritenevo semplicemente “spesi male non si sa dove” per ben oltre 1,8 Milioni di Euro erano lì, in  bella vista ul bilancio, nelle due voci Riserve e Rimanenze dello stato patrimoniale.
Ebbene sì, la nostra Federazione, che piange continuamente miseria con i Comitati Regionali, che due anni fa ha aumentato la tassa gare e tagliati i contributi  arbitrali alle società, che stanzia nel 2010 solo 50 Mila Euro per contributi to plant after years of absence thereof, and that does not send full teams to travel to the World Cup because it has no funds had cash reserves at the end of 2009 to over 1.8 million that thoroughly explained the mystery of 2.7 Million.

Over 40 thousand euros of interest income from banks to emphasize the existence of budget reserve funds that carry enormous amounts of course to be the question aside for what? But that is another story.

Meanwhile, the Federal Prosecutor, received my counter-arguments, all’apparenza senza neppure leggerle approfonditamente, ha trasferito il tutto alla Commissione di Giustizia FITARCO con la lettera che potete leggere qui .

Venerdì  22 Ottobre 2010 alle ore 10:00 presso la FITARCO avrà luogo la prima udienza presso la Commissione di Giustizia. L’udienza è pubblica  ed i curiosi sono i benvenuti . 

Per tutti gli altri, alla prossima puntata!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nail Designs With Weed

referred! / 1

It 's a bit for what they all say that I was "referred".

Since the extract of the minutes of the Federal Council published FITARCO Archers No. 3 to 2010 appeared in the news that I had been "referred" to the bodies of Justice FITARCO have been many who have asked me what had happened and the reason for the referral.
Who asked me, I calmly replied, without further comment, go read or reread my article on Arcosfera "Three Magic Numbers" talking about the substantial financial resources della FITARCO, ineguagliate al mondo e di come queste non producessero neppure lontanamente i risultati che ci si poteva aspettare in campo Olimpico,  a causa principalmente del fatto che solo una minima percentuale del bilancio veniva alla fine veramente dedicata al settore specifico.  Un articolo fortemente critico dell’attuale gestione FITARCO,  che da sommarie  informazioni riferite verbalmente mi aveva portato a pormi delle domande sui criteri e destinazione di spesa di una notevole parte delle disponibilità 2009 FITARCO.

Ma oggi, con anche il numero 5 di Arcieri 2010 che pubblica una parte del Bilancio Fitarco 2009 e l’udienza davanti alla Commissione di Giustizia alle porte,  non mi sembra  giusto lasciare cadere l’occasione di consentire a tutti un approfondimento maggiore sia dell’argomento stesso che  del funzionamento pratico della Giustizia Federale, magari dopo una rilettura del mio articolo  “Una giustizia da Riformare”    

Considerando lo sfasamento temporale  tra l’articolo su  Arcosfera (Marzo),  la lettera del Procuratore Federale che mi annunciava il deferimento (fine Aprile),  la  My answer to the same (May), the actual referral to the Commission of Justice (August), the statement for a hearing (September) and the date the hearing, October 22, 2010 in Rome, ; time, given the usual slow pace of justice FITARCO were immeasurably short, a clear sign that the structure FITARCO special attention devoted to the topic.

I'll see then I well recall the time, providing the readers all the necessary documentation to follow each other in near real time, beginning with the full text of the letter of Federal Prosecutor dated April 23 I announced the initiation of investigations but also their closure for my obvious "guilt"

Happy reading!

Nail Designs With Weed

referred! / 1

It 's a bit for what they all say that I was "referred".

Since the extract of the minutes of the Federal Council published FITARCO Archers No. 3 to 2010 appeared in the news that I had been "referred" to the bodies of Justice FITARCO have been many who have asked me what had happened and the reason for the referral.
Who asked me, I calmly replied, without further comment, go read or reread my article on Arcosfera "Three Magic Numbers" talking about the substantial financial resources della FITARCO, ineguagliate al mondo e di come queste non producessero neppure lontanamente i risultati che ci si poteva aspettare in campo Olimpico,  a causa principalmente del fatto che solo una minima percentuale del bilancio veniva alla fine veramente dedicata al settore specifico.  Un articolo fortemente critico dell’attuale gestione FITARCO,  che da sommarie  informazioni riferite verbalmente mi aveva portato a pormi delle domande sui criteri e destinazione di spesa di una notevole parte delle disponibilità 2009 FITARCO.

Ma oggi, con anche il numero 5 di Arcieri 2010 che pubblica una parte del Bilancio Fitarco 2009 e l’udienza davanti alla Commissione di Giustizia alle porte,  non mi sembra  giusto lasciare cadere l’occasione di consentire a tutti un approfondimento maggiore sia dell’argomento stesso che  del funzionamento pratico della Giustizia Federale, magari dopo una rilettura del mio articolo  “Una giustizia da Riformare”    

Considerando lo sfasamento temporale  tra l’articolo su  Arcosfera (Marzo),  la lettera del Procuratore Federale che mi annunciava il deferimento (fine Aprile),  la  My answer to the same (May), the actual referral to the Commission of Justice (August), the statement for a hearing (September) and the date the hearing, October 22, 2010 in Rome, ; time, given the usual slow pace of justice FITARCO were immeasurably short, a clear sign that the structure FITARCO special attention devoted to the topic.

I'll see then I well recall the time, providing the readers all the necessary documentation to follow each other in near real time, beginning with the full text of the letter of Federal Prosecutor dated April 23 I announced the initiation of investigations but also their closure for my obvious "guilt"

Happy reading!

Monday, October 11, 2010

How Does Mega Streaming Work

A family affair

during the Italian championships plate Alexandria suddenly I was struck by a vision: The
archery Italian was formed, managed and attended by families, not society. We
during clashes in mixed teams and brothers George and Anna Botto arrows came back from recovery, followed by brothers Carl and Michele Frangilli against which they were clashing.
On the adjacent field, the brothers Max and Claudia Mandia Junior did the same in the clashes. Three sets of brothers, not three companies.
Immediately, the thought is also running the family Matteucci, two thirds of the OL SF team on the podium, but also to the Chin family, the family and of course the Tonelli Family Scarzella, plus many other past and present.
athletes, managers, referees, instructors. Countless families in view of the archery Italian which are the backbone often in contemporary techniques and organization of its society. Sometimes, families have the opportunity to grow archery in a fertile and receptive, and raises the following people who often have to meet targets unexpected. It was already so in 1973, when he passes the first time FITARCO. The family Oddo controlled not only the ABA in Milan, but the same and yet the same FITARCO FITA, which then had its headquarters in Milan, with Francesco Gnecchi President and Secretary General Cinnirella Beppe, consequently, the ABA formed the backbone FITARCO technical field of the newborn, provided the national technical director, the late Renato Doni and before that he had seen the brothers compete Oddo blue shirt. But it was 1973, almost forty years ago ...
Things change in the world, but it seems that in archery, not only Italian, families continue to be the backbone of the movement.
where the family shares, grows, passes the ball to the next generation, the leading company of doing the same. Where the children and grandchildren have not started leaving our sport, the family loses the momentum with the years and the leading company of slowly collapses.
I could cite dozens of families who have formed the backbone of many companies in fact often national teams, which are now missing or collapsed dall'arcosfera to a minimum because of the simple aging of the founders and propellers and the absence of generational change.
In other countries, small and large, the situations are very similar. What about the Trafford family, six members competing in the U.S. team to the World Campaign 2008, those five to 2010?
Family buttresses the 2010 World Cup
O brothers Dola Banerjee and Rahul., Pillars of the Indian team OL Ladies and Men? And what about Daddy Dee Wilde with young and Reo Logan?
More and more I think about other names face to memory, unnecessary at this point continue to list them.
Well, Let's face it and facciamocene a reason. Ours is a family sport, in fact, families at all levels, including managerial and technical racing.
the base, in clubs, we know. Who has not in his club shares special "Family" to ease the burden on the budgets of families with several members enrolled?
Why then not recognize this situation and to give families that make up the backbone of the national archery a minimum of recognition? A championship for families? A registration fee FITARCO the family? A specific recognition? Just a little ' fantasy and something you certainly can not invent. Meanwhile, the only "recognition" to households by FITARCO was the reduction of copies of the magazine ARCHERS sent to the same address, despite the existence of shares equal membership for all members of one family.

The archery is definitely a family affair, let's do something!

World Cup Final 2010 in Edinburgh, Italian participants:
  • Marco Galiazzo - accompanied by his father as technical staff
  • Michele Frangilli - accompanied by his father as technical staff
  • Sergio Pagni - accompanied by his father as technical staff

How Does Mega Streaming Work

A family affair

during the Italian championships plate Alexandria suddenly I was struck by a vision: The
archery Italian was formed, managed and attended by families, not society. We
during clashes in mixed teams and brothers George and Anna Botto arrows came back from recovery, followed by brothers Carl and Michele Frangilli against which they were clashing.
On the adjacent field, the brothers Max and Claudia Mandia Junior did the same in the clashes. Three sets of brothers, not three companies.
Immediately, the thought is also running the family Matteucci, two thirds of the OL SF team on the podium, but also to the Chin family, the family and of course the Tonelli Family Scarzella, plus many other past and present.
athletes, managers, referees, instructors. Countless families in view of the archery Italian which are the backbone often in contemporary techniques and organization of its society. Sometimes, families have the opportunity to grow archery in a fertile and receptive, and raises the following people who often have to meet targets unexpected. It was already so in 1973, when he passes the first time FITARCO. The family Oddo controlled not only the ABA in Milan, but the same and yet the same FITARCO FITA, which then had its headquarters in Milan, with Francesco Gnecchi President and Secretary General Cinnirella Beppe, consequently, the ABA formed the backbone FITARCO technical field of the newborn, provided the national technical director, the late Renato Doni and before that he had seen the brothers compete Oddo blue shirt. But it was 1973, almost forty years ago ...
Things change in the world, but it seems that in archery, not only Italian, families continue to be the backbone of the movement.
where the family shares, grows, passes the ball to the next generation, the leading company of doing the same. Where the children and grandchildren have not started leaving our sport, the family loses the momentum with the years and the leading company of slowly collapses.
I could cite dozens of families who have formed the backbone of many companies in fact often national teams, which are now missing or collapsed dall'arcosfera to a minimum because of the simple aging of the founders and propellers and the absence of generational change.
In other countries, small and large, the situations are very similar. What about the Trafford family, six members competing in the U.S. team to the World Campaign 2008, those five to 2010?
Family buttresses the 2010 World Cup
O brothers Dola Banerjee and Rahul., Pillars of the Indian team OL Ladies and Men? And what about Daddy Dee Wilde with young and Reo Logan?
More and more I think about other names face to memory, unnecessary at this point continue to list them.
Well, Let's face it and facciamocene a reason. Ours is a family sport, in fact, families at all levels, including managerial and technical racing.
the base, in clubs, we know. Who has not in his club shares special "Family" to ease the burden on the budgets of families with several members enrolled?
Why then not recognize this situation and to give families that make up the backbone of the national archery a minimum of recognition? A championship for families? A registration fee FITARCO the family? A specific recognition? Just a little ' fantasy and something you certainly can not invent. Meanwhile, the only "recognition" to households by FITARCO was the reduction of copies of the magazine ARCHERS sent to the same address, despite the existence of shares equal membership for all members of one family.

The archery is definitely a family affair, let's do something!

World Cup Final 2010 in Edinburgh, Italian participants:
  • Marco Galiazzo - accompanied by his father as technical staff
  • Michele Frangilli - accompanied by his father as technical staff
  • Sergio Pagni - accompanied by his father as technical staff