Sunday, October 31, 2010

Imperial International Older Flatware


Al posto di leggere altre, e forse più importanti letture, ho concluso this weekend Q , a book that you can easily define a classic of Italian literature, the beginning of New Epic in the novel.

signed with the pseudonym Luther Blissett (bin legendary AC Milan in the '80s), was written by a collective of writers who changed his name to Wu Ming ( anonymous in Chinese). These are one of the best news in the literary field of the last 15 years, and carry out a project that you can learn on their site , from which you can download for free all their texts, even the ' Last "Altai" which incorporates the setting of "Q" (double reason to read it now).

We can define then a historical novel in which love, espionage, international politics and religion are woven into a scene of wars and rebellions, persecution and defeat.
So there's everything you need to capture the reader's attention and involvement in the moods of the character, true heretic heresy.

The book tells of fact one of the most turbulent periods of European history that followed the posting of 95 theses of Martin Luther, with the uprising of the peasants who took seriously the words of liberation and Protestantism portò, come l'avversione alle gerarchie ecclesiastiche e ai nobili che sfruttavano quel potere. Thomas Müntzer su tutti fu il simbolo di quella ribellione egualitaria, e il grido "omnia sunt communia" attraversò la bocca di interi popoli e generazioni.

Ma come la storia dimostra, rappresenta anche la sconfitta di chi si è battuto per quell'ideale, nel 500 come nel secolo scorso.

Però cosa può dire questo grido a noi, in perenne ricerca di un "socialismo del XXI secolo"? La risposta ce la offre proprio il libro: "Non rinnegare mai a te stesso ciò per cui hai combattuto, Peter. La sconfitta non rende ingiusta una causa. Ricordalo sempre. (pag.335)".

And then you just have to try, to sail in open sea and still look for other routes to the same destination, a world free from inequality and injustice, where everything is all and nothing for anyone.


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