Arcosfera I return after three weeks off, I apologize to readers cones delay in updating the culprit in particular on the evolution of my referral. Unfortunately, work and organize a race to have taken all my free time, but now I'm back here ...
Many have asked me in recent weeks, both personally and by mail, how it is going to finish the hearing on 22 Oct. ..
answer immediately that is not going to end ... in the sense that there will be another hearing on December 3, but with very different assumptions.
But back in order.
On 22 October morning I landed at Fiumicino punctual with Easyjet (the best airline in Italian ..) at 8:00, I rented a car and tried to reach the office of FITARCO Vitorchiano away.
I say tried, because queues, roadworks signs and hidden by them led me first to direct traffic in central Rome bottled simply absurd, then turn around, return to the ring road and recover the north, and finally you get to via Vitorchiano only about 113/115 at 10:30.
The building that houses the FITARCO, for those not familiar, is also home to several other national associations CONI and can be reached only half hidden by a flyover that you can take, coming from the ring road, only guessing the second exit "Cave Red. " Fortunately, I know the way home FITARCO having attended for many years as adviser to the federal, but many times I found myself having to explain to "Tassinari" on duty how to achieve the difficult goal. Needless to say, during business hours to find a car park near della palazzina può anche richieder tempi biblici, ma fortunatamente, questa volta il parcheggio almeno l’ho trovato subito.
Per fortuna, non ero comunque l’ultimo, perché anche un membro della commissione di giustizia si era trovato in simili problemi ed è arrivato subito dopo di me.
L’udienza quindi è iniziata solo poco prima delle 11:00 e con mia sorpresa mi sono trovato in una delle sale riunioni comuni della palazzina alla presenza di altre cinque persone soltanto: i tre membri della Commissione di Giustizia, gli avvocati Amos Benni (Ancona), Santi Pappalardo (Catania) e Massimo Andrea Chiocca (Genova), poi il Procuratore Federal Advocate Comellini Stefano (Turin) and finally Luis Falconi FITARCO of which served as secretary and record the statements.
Advocate Benni as the oldest member, served as chairman of the Commission of Justice.
I never had the opportunity to personally meet the three members of the committee, even though I was part of the Federal Council had nominated them for the first time over ten years ago. Not that I ever had to do over the years in various roles with the federal justice, but my last appearance before the Commission of Justice dates back to 1997, and before their appointment. I knew already but the lawyer for an audience target Comellini di indagine svolatasi a Torino ad inizio anno.
Il mio massimo stupore è ovviamente derivato dal fatto che ero presente solo io, in qualità di deferito, ma non colui che mi aveva denunciato, il Ragioniere Fausto Pennestrì, pur in un caso dove il colloquio riferito in due versioni diverse non aveva avuto testimoni.
La soluzione più semplice per raccontare quanto successo sarebbe pubblicare qui il verbale dell’udienza che pure ho sottoscritto, ma mi mi è stato detto che in questa fase non posso averne copia.
Vedo pertanto di sintetizzare:
- Ho dichiarato che ero stupito della confirms referral, expecting a counter-evidence in storage because nviate was clear that the information on the actual occurrence of the total estimated federal budget (5 million Euros) coincided with the statements given by me on Pennestrì Arcosfera and however, that his statement that the 5 million we were talking about were the result of "around" 2.5 million and 2.5 million of revenue expenditure (as written in his complaint a copy of which I have) had no accounting significance and administration in any kind of definition of the budget and even less so could be used by an auditor in any conversation. So I said
- forced to denounce the statements contained in the complaint were Pennestrì evidently false than true to its time comunicatomi, supported by the evidence of this in the 2009 audited financial statements that is more FITARCO countersigned by itself Pennestrì.
- Given the above, the President of the Commission of Justice has asked the Federal Prosecutor and what his intentions at this point the prosecutor suggested the convening of the next step Fausto Pennestrì before the Commission of Justice, in a new hearing set for the day on December 3 at 10:30 and I was invited to speak yet I.
During the same I had, however, also pointed out that the Blog Arcosfera has no relation with the CAM - Compagnia Arcieri Monica ASD are referred to the President, being related instead to a SRL of which are administered, because the referral provisions by the federal prosecutor, as you'll read, was also made in respect of liability for CAM.
I have not received a formal summons to date for the hearing on December 3. I phoned in FITARCO per chiedere conferma della data ( mi è stata confermata) e della mia convocazione (sono in attesa), ma comunque a Roma il 3 Dicembre ci sarò, come imputato, testimone o magari pubblico, ma ci sarò sicuramente.
Intanto, dalle note di verbale del Consiglio Federale riportate sul numero 5 di Arcieri 2010 apprendo che il Consiglio Federale ha aumentato lo stanziamento per i contributi all’impiantistica 2010 da 50.000 Euro a 150.000 Euro.
Qualcosa finalmente si muove a favore delle Società nell’uso del “tesoretto” delle incredibili riserve di bilancio FITARCO?
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