Monday, December 28, 2009

Disable Comments For Mood And Status


presents the first series of meetings 2010, to be defined, organized by the CIPEC ( ) that will kick off a real school open for young people per riscoprire il piacere della cultura e l'importanza della storia come maestra di vita, senza dimenticare l'attualità e i suoi problemi.


8 GENNAIO h.17:30

22 GENNAIO h.21:00
Sala da stabilire, BOVES

1 FEBBRAIO h.21:00
“LUCIANA CASTELLINA: UNA DONNA COMUNISTA” verrà presentato il libro di “Magri - Il Sarto di Ulm”

to participate: 3490665974 - adelante.cuneo @
free membership (to prepare any materials)
meeting open to all!

course by the CIPEC (Center for political and cultural initiatives)

Disable Comments For Mood And Status


presents the first series of meetings 2010, to be defined, organized by the CIPEC ( ) that will kick off a real school open for young people per riscoprire il piacere della cultura e l'importanza della storia come maestra di vita, senza dimenticare l'attualità e i suoi problemi.


8 GENNAIO h.17:30

22 GENNAIO h.21:00
Sala da stabilire, BOVES

1 FEBBRAIO h.21:00
“LUCIANA CASTELLINA: UNA DONNA COMUNISTA” verrà presentato il libro di “Magri - Il Sarto di Ulm”

to participate: 3490665974 - adelante.cuneo @
free membership (to prepare any materials)
meeting open to all!

course by the CIPEC (Center for political and cultural initiatives)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

World's Tightest Girdle

found Atlantis? Monster

Dai Caraibi emerge una civiltà sommersa
Il leader del progetto: «Trovate una specie di piramide alta e sottile e una costruzione con pali paralleli in piedi»

di Alessandra Farkas

NEW YORK - Un gruppo di archeologi ha scoperto le rovine di una grande città antica sui fondali del Mar dei Caraibi la cui ubicazione rimane ancora segreta ma che secondo alcune indiscrezioni sarebbe antecedente alle piramidi Giza, Egypt. It could even be Atlantis, the legendary island of death, mentioned for the first time since Plato. The news, published exclusively in English by the Paris newspaper Herald de Paris, was immediately echoed by American websites. Satellite images of the city published on the website of the daily show something completely different from the submerged city discovered in 2001 off Cuba by a joint Russian-Canadian. In an interview from Washington Herald project leader - who asked to remain anonymous - has looked good from revealing details of the location. Presumably to avoid crowds of divers on Sunday in search of underwater treasures during the festive season.

PYRAMID THIN - "We have found a structure similar to a pyramid, tall and slim - says the head of the expedition - and even a building with poles and feet in parallel beams through the ruins of what looks like a ruined building. But you can not find poles and beams - clear - without human intervention. " The discoverers do not claim that this is Atlantis. "But - point out - we believe that this city could be one of many a seafaring civilization advanced, based on trade and in regular contact with its counterparts Eurocentric." No one can explain how it got flooded. "We have several theories about it" pursues the team leader, he hopes to raise enough money for a new expedition, far more widespread, it can document its discovery. "Whatever we find does not belong to us - explain the archaeologists - but the people of this island and the world at large. All that re-float will end in the hands of a museum. "

THE SUBMERGED CULTURE - is not the first time traces of a possible underground civilization emerge in the Caribbean. In 2001 Reuters reported that a group of scientists from Advanced Digital Communications had identified a "sunken city" off the coast of Cuba With the sonar had identified what appeared to roads, buildings and even the ruins of a pyramid. But after the excitement original, the story fell into oblivion. In his book The Gates of Atlantis (2000), Andrew Collins advances the thesis that Cuba was the center of a vast pre-Columbian civilizations, like Atlantis. Ivor Zapp and George Erikson, in their book The Road to Atlantis (2002), Costa Rica to bring the head of a maritime empire very advanced. The adventurer FA Mitchell-Hedges suggested that the remains of the lost civilization were in Honduras. Theory that Atlantis is in the new world began to circulate soon after the discovery of America. In 1669 it was even published a map showing America divided between the descendants of Neptune, king of Atlantis.

World's Tightest Girdle

found Atlantis? Monster

Dai Caraibi emerge una civiltà sommersa
Il leader del progetto: «Trovate una specie di piramide alta e sottile e una costruzione con pali paralleli in piedi»

di Alessandra Farkas

NEW YORK - Un gruppo di archeologi ha scoperto le rovine di una grande città antica sui fondali del Mar dei Caraibi la cui ubicazione rimane ancora segreta ma che secondo alcune indiscrezioni sarebbe antecedente alle piramidi Giza, Egypt. It could even be Atlantis, the legendary island of death, mentioned for the first time since Plato. The news, published exclusively in English by the Paris newspaper Herald de Paris, was immediately echoed by American websites. Satellite images of the city published on the website of the daily show something completely different from the submerged city discovered in 2001 off Cuba by a joint Russian-Canadian. In an interview from Washington Herald project leader - who asked to remain anonymous - has looked good from revealing details of the location. Presumably to avoid crowds of divers on Sunday in search of underwater treasures during the festive season.

PYRAMID THIN - "We have found a structure similar to a pyramid, tall and slim - says the head of the expedition - and even a building with poles and feet in parallel beams through the ruins of what looks like a ruined building. But you can not find poles and beams - clear - without human intervention. " The discoverers do not claim that this is Atlantis. "But - point out - we believe that this city could be one of many a seafaring civilization advanced, based on trade and in regular contact with its counterparts Eurocentric." No one can explain how it got flooded. "We have several theories about it" pursues the team leader, he hopes to raise enough money for a new expedition, far more widespread, it can document its discovery. "Whatever we find does not belong to us - explain the archaeologists - but the people of this island and the world at large. All that re-float will end in the hands of a museum. "

THE SUBMERGED CULTURE - is not the first time traces of a possible underground civilization emerge in the Caribbean. In 2001 Reuters reported that a group of scientists from Advanced Digital Communications had identified a "sunken city" off the coast of Cuba With the sonar had identified what appeared to roads, buildings and even the ruins of a pyramid. But after the excitement original, the story fell into oblivion. In his book The Gates of Atlantis (2000), Andrew Collins advances the thesis that Cuba was the center of a vast pre-Columbian civilizations, like Atlantis. Ivor Zapp and George Erikson, in their book The Road to Atlantis (2002), Costa Rica to bring the head of a maritime empire very advanced. The adventurer FA Mitchell-Hedges suggested that the remains of the lost civilization were in Honduras. Theory that Atlantis is in the new world began to circulate soon after the discovery of America. In 1669 it was even published a map showing America divided between the descendants of Neptune, king of Atlantis.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dora Backpack Goody Bags

God is great? Repeatedly

If I say I wish I were at this time, I would answer certainly as Naples.
There are few things that can make you happy, one of these is the Football.
will be a stupid sport that takes you to cheer for the billionaires, is the mirror of all the crap in our society, is an opium for the common people but there are some things that can not be explained.
rejoice in a great goal from a young Argentine wholeheartedly and speed. Feel safe after what a player's fatigue.
be the best and prove it with blatant evidence.
Then something turns wrong, life is always a reason, at least I think that usually, and you get three goals in the door and do not know though.
As a player, a team of small and insignificant, many times we found ourselves in this situation. From the lead and then lose it all, take punches senza reagire, non sapere da che parte girarsi. E il desiderio di far finire prima la partita, mollare tutto e incazzarsi con il primo che capita. La vigliaccheria di chi non vuole vincere.
E forse non solo sul campo da calcio.
Ma poi c'è chi non si vergogna di crederci, di voler lottare e pensare che se la vittoria è un mito o un'utopia irraggiungibile, esiste la dignità del pareggio. E si pareggia, 3 a 3, lezione di vita nonostante tutto.

Dora Backpack Goody Bags

God is great? Repeatedly

If I say I wish I were at this time, I would answer certainly as Naples.
There are few things that can make you happy, one of these is the Football.
will be a stupid sport that takes you to cheer for the billionaires, is the mirror of all the crap in our society, is an opium for the common people but there are some things that can not be explained.
rejoice in a great goal from a young Argentine wholeheartedly and speed. Feel safe after what a player's fatigue.
be the best and prove it with blatant evidence.
Then something turns wrong, life is always a reason, at least I think that usually, and you get three goals in the door and do not know though.
As a player, a team of small and insignificant, many times we found ourselves in this situation. From the lead and then lose it all, take punches senza reagire, non sapere da che parte girarsi. E il desiderio di far finire prima la partita, mollare tutto e incazzarsi con il primo che capita. La vigliaccheria di chi non vuole vincere.
E forse non solo sul campo da calcio.
Ma poi c'è chi non si vergogna di crederci, di voler lottare e pensare che se la vittoria è un mito o un'utopia irraggiungibile, esiste la dignità del pareggio. E si pareggia, 3 a 3, lezione di vita nonostante tutto.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Little Tikes Picnic Table For Free In Calgary

Little Tikes Picnic Table For Free In Calgary

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bible List Sins Punishable By Death

"Bianco Natale"
"Water privatization"
"memorial day for fallen soldiers on peacekeeping missions abroad"
"Sale of property confiscated from the Mafia"
"The Camorra which is a candidate for president of the region"
"Faccisti that speak of self from Mars"
"Faccisti who throw down the Berlin wall cardboard"
"The butcher of Genoa G8 that now seems the most moderate of his Government to shit"
"Cops who kill and beat a boy of 31 "
" The minister said that the boy died of a crushed drug
"A lousy law on drugs made dal massacratore neo moderato e dall'offensivo ministro"
"Il partito che vuole espellere un suo iscritto perchè NoTav"
"Il Sindaco SìTav che vuole sgomberare i centri sociali invece di lavorare contro la crisi"
"La ministra incinta che ha già partorito la distruzione della pubblica istruzione"
"Chi raccoglie firme per la croce e intanto mette in croce gli stranieri"
"L'Ex di 8 partiti che ne fonda un altro perchè il suo si sarebbe spostato a sinistra"
"Chi continua a dividere la Sinistra"

Buttatevi rin't o cess...

p.s.: la lista può aumentare nei commenti...

Bible List Sins Punishable By Death

"Bianco Natale"
"Water privatization"
"memorial day for fallen soldiers on peacekeeping missions abroad"
"Sale of property confiscated from the Mafia"
"The Camorra which is a candidate for president of the region"
"Faccisti that speak of self from Mars"
"Faccisti who throw down the Berlin wall cardboard"
"The butcher of Genoa G8 that now seems the most moderate of his Government to shit"
"Cops who kill and beat a boy of 31 "
" The minister said that the boy died of a crushed drug
"A lousy law on drugs made dal massacratore neo moderato e dall'offensivo ministro"
"Il partito che vuole espellere un suo iscritto perchè NoTav"
"Il Sindaco SìTav che vuole sgomberare i centri sociali invece di lavorare contro la crisi"
"La ministra incinta che ha già partorito la distruzione della pubblica istruzione"
"Chi raccoglie firme per la croce e intanto mette in croce gli stranieri"
"L'Ex di 8 partiti che ne fonda un altro perchè il suo si sarebbe spostato a sinistra"
"Chi continua a dividere la Sinistra"

Buttatevi rin't o cess...

p.s.: la lista può aumentare nei commenti...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pursuit Remote Car Start How To Use


PASSAU (AUSTRIA) - Il mistero del Lago Toplitz, sulle Alpi Austriache, non è mai stato svelato. E ora rischia di rimanere tale. Almeno per altri 99 anni. E' per tutto questo tempo, infatti, che l'ente austriaco di tutela delle foreste, il «Bundesforste», ha intenzione di vietare le immersioni degli esploratori che dal 1945 cercano di ritrovare nel lago il tesoro delle S.S. Secondo alcune testimonianze storiche, infatti, alle prime luci dell'alba di un giorno di aprile del 1945, una spedizione nazista affondò nel lago centinaia di casse di legno piene probabilmente di diamanti e di lingotti d'oro sottratti alle famiglie ebree durante il periodo delle leggi razziali. Nelle casse si troverebbero anche decine di opere d'arte rubate dai paesi di tutta Europa e numerosi dossier con piani e documenti segreti del Terzo Reich. Un vero e proprio tesoro, che sarebbe dovuto servire per la “resurrezione” della Germania nazista, una volta finita la guerra.

Pursuit Remote Car Start How To Use


PASSAU (AUSTRIA) - Il mistero del Lago Toplitz, sulle Alpi Austriache, non è mai stato svelato. E ora rischia di rimanere tale. Almeno per altri 99 anni. E' per tutto questo tempo, infatti, che l'ente austriaco di tutela delle foreste, il «Bundesforste», ha intenzione di vietare le immersioni degli esploratori che dal 1945 cercano di ritrovare nel lago il tesoro delle S.S. Secondo alcune testimonianze storiche, infatti, alle prime luci dell'alba di un giorno di aprile del 1945, una spedizione nazista affondò nel lago centinaia di casse di legno piene probabilmente di diamanti e di lingotti d'oro sottratti alle famiglie ebree durante il periodo delle leggi razziali. Nelle casse si troverebbero anche decine di opere d'arte rubate dai paesi di tutta Europa e numerosi dossier con piani e documenti segreti del Terzo Reich. Un vero e proprio tesoro, che sarebbe dovuto servire per la “resurrezione” della Germania nazista, una volta finita la guerra.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Zippo Sterling Silver 2009

Less More patrols hurdy

Appello antirazzista: le valli cuneesi rifiutino il razzismo

Se voi avete il diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri, allora vi dirò che, nel vostro senso, io non ho Patria e reclamo il diritto di dividere il mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall’altro. Gli uni sono la mia patria, gli altri i miei stranieri (don Lorenzo Milani).
Il prossimo 11 settembre, sulle nostre montagne, la Lega Nord metterà in scena un rito inventato qualche anno fa che usa il Po per cercare di dimostrare che rappresenta le nostre terre e le nostre valli.
La Lega Nord è un partito razzista che:
· propone e sostiene la divisione dell’Italia (ricordate la Jugoslavia ?)
· fa parte di un governo che ha peggiorato le condizioni di chi lavora, dei pensionati, distrugge la scuola pubblica, toglie risorse ai comuni di montagna, che attacca la libertà di stampa e di espressione, che partecipa a guerre in altri continenti
· che fa le campagne elettorali respingendo barche di disperati e disperate che scappano dalle guerre, mandandoli in Libia nei campi di concentramento (accordo Berlusconi and Gaddafi).
Our valleys have a history of great independence from the state and religious powers, have fought 60 years ago, against fascism and Nazism, those monsters that, by racism, had destroyed Europe, they protected hundreds Jews fleeing persecution.
have known hunger and misery, when men and women leave to seek work in France or the Americas and were subject to racism and discrimination, have experienced and know the abandonment and exclusion, the result of political and economic policies wrong of land use decisions and senseless robbery.
The valleys and the mountain did not invent the borders borders. The Occitan language Italian is spoken in the valleys as in the valleys of France. King is on the top of the hole of the face that speaks of communication, dialogue among peoples. The divisions we have not looked at when we created but the senseless nationalism led to the war and forced the youth to kill and be killed.
culture and tradition of our valleys reject intolerance and racism. The partisan struggle marked the commitment of these valleys to build a free land for free men and women, racial hatred and barriers have led to war: we want a society based on social justice, freedom and self-determination where of peoples and the promotion of our cultures and our language does not mean hatred and nationalism but respect for diversity.
We therefore invite all men and women who believe in these values \u200b\u200bto participate

FRIDAY 'September 11, from 15 to 19 hours
the garrison to be held in Paesana
, Piazza Vittorio Veneto (opposite the Pro Loco)

Everyone, everyone brings musical instruments and typical for a party, popular, anti-racism, for free men and women in a free land.

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Zippo Sterling Silver 2009

Less More patrols hurdy

Appello antirazzista: le valli cuneesi rifiutino il razzismo

Se voi avete il diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri, allora vi dirò che, nel vostro senso, io non ho Patria e reclamo il diritto di dividere il mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall’altro. Gli uni sono la mia patria, gli altri i miei stranieri (don Lorenzo Milani).
Il prossimo 11 settembre, sulle nostre montagne, la Lega Nord metterà in scena un rito inventato qualche anno fa che usa il Po per cercare di dimostrare che rappresenta le nostre terre e le nostre valli.
La Lega Nord è un partito razzista che:
· propone e sostiene la divisione dell’Italia (ricordate la Jugoslavia ?)
· fa parte di un governo che ha peggiorato le condizioni di chi lavora, dei pensionati, distrugge la scuola pubblica, toglie risorse ai comuni di montagna, che attacca la libertà di stampa e di espressione, che partecipa a guerre in altri continenti
· che fa le campagne elettorali respingendo barche di disperati e disperate che scappano dalle guerre, mandandoli in Libia nei campi di concentramento (accordo Berlusconi and Gaddafi).
Our valleys have a history of great independence from the state and religious powers, have fought 60 years ago, against fascism and Nazism, those monsters that, by racism, had destroyed Europe, they protected hundreds Jews fleeing persecution.
have known hunger and misery, when men and women leave to seek work in France or the Americas and were subject to racism and discrimination, have experienced and know the abandonment and exclusion, the result of political and economic policies wrong of land use decisions and senseless robbery.
The valleys and the mountain did not invent the borders borders. The Occitan language Italian is spoken in the valleys as in the valleys of France. King is on the top of the hole of the face that speaks of communication, dialogue among peoples. The divisions we have not looked at when we created but the senseless nationalism led to the war and forced the youth to kill and be killed.
culture and tradition of our valleys reject intolerance and racism. The partisan struggle marked the commitment of these valleys to build a free land for free men and women, racial hatred and barriers have led to war: we want a society based on social justice, freedom and self-determination where of peoples and the promotion of our cultures and our language does not mean hatred and nationalism but respect for diversity.
We therefore invite all men and women who believe in these values \u200b\u200bto participate

FRIDAY 'September 11, from 15 to 19 hours
the garrison to be held in Paesana
, Piazza Vittorio Veneto (opposite the Pro Loco)

Everyone, everyone brings musical instruments and typical for a party, popular, anti-racism, for free men and women in a free land.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Replacement For Phisohex

Appeal against the "Package Security "

We have learned to fly like birds, swim like a


but we have not learned the art of living together as brothers

[Martin Luther King]

No to the barbarism of an unjust law.

against the "security package", called for a welcoming society.

The law passed by the Senate on July 3 (DL 733/08 - Security package) marks a turning point in Italian civic life.

against the values \u200b\u200bof equality and citizenship that inspired the Constitution,

- against the very foundations of democracy,

- against the value of solidarity,

- against the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the Child and that our legislation has transposed into national law, this measure introduces

discriminatory laws, establishing the crime of illegally punishing the people for specific crimes, but because of their ethnicity, their identity cultural and economic needs of their state.

This law, based on assumptions propaganda, creates a dangerous climate of fear and suspicion that will eventually feed the underground, make it even more invisible illegal immigrants - especially on the job - and will lead to substantial limitations in the exercise of fundamental rights (Subscriptions to, marriages, health, school, ...).

We believe that the entry and illegal residence are not categorized as a form of lawlessness to strike indiscriminately at anyone who, by the mere fact of being human person brings with them a minimum of rights that can not be violated, penalty the barbarism of the whole society.

The migration process is complex, exaggerated and distorted today by unjust economic globalization, supported by the exploitation of labor and natural resources, which perpetuates and exacerbates social inequalities at the global level. Only global guarantee of equal opportunity, respect for cultural diversity, political, economic, in the long run can loosen the grip of forced migration. In contrast, only one anti-historical attitude, myopic and racist in practice, can think of to deal with and regulate a worldwide phenomenon with inappropriate and unnecessary legislation "bad" based on the logic of fear and in defense of the closure of a limited area .

We believe that there should be brushed aside the claim to read any social phenomenon in the single optical insecurity fueled by a fear-induced, amplified and cultivated, and that it is essential to carry out promotional activities rather than support and integration, such a positive way Forward-looking over time to build a society which can only be multiethnic and multicultural for a safer and healthier future.

We appeal only to the common but important duty of solidarity, but looking for solutions just and reasonable that the primary duty of politics.

We urge all persons, associations underlying the civic life of Cuneo and institutions responsibly and take a clear position in favor of those solutions and against this climate of discrimination and fear that recalls the dramatic years of our history, starting as a very effective partnership to protect and consolidate the gains of democracy, civil society and social justice that are precious and irreplaceable heritage of our community and all humanity.

have so far responded to the appeal:

table of associations of Cuneo, ACLI, Acmos, Amnesty International, Apex-Busch, Association of hope and development of the Moroccan community of Cuneo, Cuneo-Cipes, evangelical circles-Cuneo-Civica Cuneo, Community of Mamre, Dituttiicolori, Onlus, Legambiente-Cuneo, Group Vernante Besides, Free-Cuneo, LVIA, Mondoqui, Paths of Peace, Santos-Milani, School of pace-Boves, Voices of the world-Dronfield.

They also signed:

MRIAH Abd Latif, Boumehdi Abdelghani, Maria AMERICA, Patrick Barelli, Amal BERROUBI, Ezio Bertaina, Gino BERTONE, BIOL Fabrizio, Sandro Bobbi Bottasso Franco, Elena COMETTI, Oreste DELFINO, Rachid ELYANDOUZI, Gianni Fabris In FIERRO, Gigi Garelli, Elizabeth GHIO, Franco Giordano, Simon Hardt, Constance LERDA, Norma Moszkowski, Otman NAFIL, Sergio WORD , M. Piera Peano, Alberto Romussi, Ursula Romussi, Marco Sasia, Lena SCORNEICA, Mario Tretola, Luisa Varetto.
To join send an email to: gigi.garelli @

Replacement For Phisohex

Appeal against the "Package Security "

We have learned to fly like birds, swim like a


but we have not learned the art of living together as brothers

[Martin Luther King]

No to the barbarism of an unjust law.

against the "security package", called for a welcoming society.

The law passed by the Senate on July 3 (DL 733/08 - Security package) marks a turning point in Italian civic life.

against the values \u200b\u200bof equality and citizenship that inspired the Constitution,

- against the very foundations of democracy,

- against the value of solidarity,

- against the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the Child and that our legislation has transposed into national law, this measure introduces

discriminatory laws, establishing the crime of illegally punishing the people for specific crimes, but because of their ethnicity, their identity cultural and economic needs of their state.

This law, based on assumptions propaganda, creates a dangerous climate of fear and suspicion that will eventually feed the underground, make it even more invisible illegal immigrants - especially on the job - and will lead to substantial limitations in the exercise of fundamental rights (Subscriptions to, marriages, health, school, ...).

We believe that the entry and illegal residence are not categorized as a form of lawlessness to strike indiscriminately at anyone who, by the mere fact of being human person brings with them a minimum of rights that can not be violated, penalty the barbarism of the whole society.

The migration process is complex, exaggerated and distorted today by unjust economic globalization, supported by the exploitation of labor and natural resources, which perpetuates and exacerbates social inequalities at the global level. Only global guarantee of equal opportunity, respect for cultural diversity, political, economic, in the long run can loosen the grip of forced migration. In contrast, only one anti-historical attitude, myopic and racist in practice, can think of to deal with and regulate a worldwide phenomenon with inappropriate and unnecessary legislation "bad" based on the logic of fear and in defense of the closure of a limited area .

We believe that there should be brushed aside the claim to read any social phenomenon in the single optical insecurity fueled by a fear-induced, amplified and cultivated, and that it is essential to carry out promotional activities rather than support and integration, such a positive way Forward-looking over time to build a society which can only be multiethnic and multicultural for a safer and healthier future.

We appeal only to the common but important duty of solidarity, but looking for solutions just and reasonable that the primary duty of politics.

We urge all persons, associations underlying the civic life of Cuneo and institutions responsibly and take a clear position in favor of those solutions and against this climate of discrimination and fear that recalls the dramatic years of our history, starting as a very effective partnership to protect and consolidate the gains of democracy, civil society and social justice that are precious and irreplaceable heritage of our community and all humanity.

have so far responded to the appeal:

table of associations of Cuneo, ACLI, Acmos, Amnesty International, Apex-Busch, Association of hope and development of the Moroccan community of Cuneo, Cuneo-Cipes, evangelical circles-Cuneo-Civica Cuneo, Community of Mamre, Dituttiicolori, Onlus, Legambiente-Cuneo, Group Vernante Besides, Free-Cuneo, LVIA, Mondoqui, Paths of Peace, Santos-Milani, School of pace-Boves, Voices of the world-Dronfield.

They also signed:

MRIAH Abd Latif, Boumehdi Abdelghani, Maria AMERICA, Patrick Barelli, Amal BERROUBI, Ezio Bertaina, Gino BERTONE, BIOL Fabrizio, Sandro Bobbi Bottasso Franco, Elena COMETTI, Oreste DELFINO, Rachid ELYANDOUZI, Gianni Fabris In FIERRO, Gigi Garelli, Elizabeth GHIO, Franco Giordano, Simon Hardt, Constance LERDA, Norma Moszkowski, Otman NAFIL, Sergio WORD , M. Piera Peano, Alberto Romussi, Ursula Romussi, Marco Sasia, Lena SCORNEICA, Mario Tretola, Luisa Varetto.
To join send an email to: gigi.garelli @

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ver Fotos Lorena Herrera

Are you left, say it loud

Nothing is safe, but write (F. Fortini)

We live in a dark time, and unprecedented structural crisis of capitalism, an economic crisis, social, environmental and food caused by decades of neoliberal policies: it opens the way for a real crisis of civilization whose emblem is the war of the poor. The risk is the output from the right by the crisis: the ongoing fragmentation of the working world, the transition from welfare to charity, the emptying of democracy, made increasingly impervious to conflict and social subjects, and the revival of nationalist ideologies, racism , fundamentalist, sexist and homophobic. It is a process that takes on Italy in the face of a new authoritarianism - one of Berlusconi and populist plebiscite - which could be reinforced by further results and the majority final deletion of each possible representation of the social opposition. We fight for an exit from the left by the crisis and for this reason we support the listing and anti-communist leaders who have created the global justice movement, feminist, pacifist, environmentalist, anti-racist, LGBTQ along with Rifondazione - European Left, the Italian Communists, Socialism 2000, and U.S. consumers. A project of profound and radical critique neo-liberal policies that have lumped together popular in Europe, liberals and socialists, that is all parties currently in the Italian parliament. We support the anti-capitalist and communist list to keep open the road to the solution, in Italy and Europe. A useful vote to propose an exit from the left by the crisis, to strengthen the hypothesis of reconstruction of the left based on the connection between different actors of the conflict and cultural criticism, including territorial disputes and global movements, including environmental and labor, between equality and freedom : a left that has not given up to develop a strong thought with the weak, the challenge to the hegemony and the construction of a new common sense. We think first of all to a vote of listening to this young generation of invisible, or rather invisible policy, which seemed doomed from the precariousness of work, knowledge, the screw can not imagine the future, not to fight for the future, and has instead turned its atypical nell'anomalia of a wave which has invaded with joy and rage, schools, universities, cities, which has claimed the right to knowledge, citizenship, social income, which designated the contradiction between capital and lives with words - we will not pay for the crisis-that connected the many conflicts and disputes in recent months. A vote that takes open the hope that will pave the way to the aggregation of left anti-capitalist, communist and socialist left. Because the future can still be scrivere.
Per aderire all'appello

Ver Fotos Lorena Herrera

Are you left, say it loud

Nothing is safe, but write (F. Fortini)

We live in a dark time, and unprecedented structural crisis of capitalism, an economic crisis, social, environmental and food caused by decades of neoliberal policies: it opens the way for a real crisis of civilization whose emblem is the war of the poor. The risk is the output from the right by the crisis: the ongoing fragmentation of the working world, the transition from welfare to charity, the emptying of democracy, made increasingly impervious to conflict and social subjects, and the revival of nationalist ideologies, racism , fundamentalist, sexist and homophobic. It is a process that takes on Italy in the face of a new authoritarianism - one of Berlusconi and populist plebiscite - which could be reinforced by further results and the majority final deletion of each possible representation of the social opposition. We fight for an exit from the left by the crisis and for this reason we support the listing and anti-communist leaders who have created the global justice movement, feminist, pacifist, environmentalist, anti-racist, LGBTQ along with Rifondazione - European Left, the Italian Communists, Socialism 2000, and U.S. consumers. A project of profound and radical critique neo-liberal policies that have lumped together popular in Europe, liberals and socialists, that is all parties currently in the Italian parliament. We support the anti-capitalist and communist list to keep open the road to the solution, in Italy and Europe. A useful vote to propose an exit from the left by the crisis, to strengthen the hypothesis of reconstruction of the left based on the connection between different actors of the conflict and cultural criticism, including territorial disputes and global movements, including environmental and labor, between equality and freedom : a left that has not given up to develop a strong thought with the weak, the challenge to the hegemony and the construction of a new common sense. We think first of all to a vote of listening to this young generation of invisible, or rather invisible policy, which seemed doomed from the precariousness of work, knowledge, the screw can not imagine the future, not to fight for the future, and has instead turned its atypical nell'anomalia of a wave which has invaded with joy and rage, schools, universities, cities, which has claimed the right to knowledge, citizenship, social income, which designated the contradiction between capital and lives with words - we will not pay for the crisis-that connected the many conflicts and disputes in recent months. A vote that takes open the hope that will pave the way to the aggregation of left anti-capitalist, communist and socialist left. Because the future can still be scrivere.
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Underlying Causees Of Canine Rectal Prolapse

Welcome to the land of the new apartheid.

Mentre il governo ha fatto passare le leggi iper-razziste volute dalla Lega Nord (e non solo):

  • reato di clandestinità;

  • prolungamento della permanenza nei Cie (cioè quei lager che prima si chiamavano Cpt, istituiti con una legge della cuneese Livia Turco e da quel Napolitano, che oggi da Presidente della Repubblica afferma che in Italia si sta diffondendo il razzismo... caro Napolitano indovina chi lo ha aiutato a far nascere?);

  • tasse salate per il permesso di soggiorno e limitazioni al diritto marriage (but these dogs fucking family advocate?)

  • "rounds", beautiful and Lega fascist gangs who walk under our windows ... I'll buy a nice chamber pot ...;

  • principals and doctors "can (?)" report illegal immigrants;

  • Subscriptions all'angrafe forbidden to the children of undocumented parents.

The Prime Minister told us that Italy is not multiethnic. This statement is the most terrible it can be said. It was not the very idea of \u200b\u200bfascism that Mussolini occupied Yugoslavia "normalizing" the local people, by imposing the forced Italianization names? and then there are those who tell us that the sinkholes were not right ... What did you think of Berlusconi? Ethnic cleansing? Ask the Italians to rape foreign women (as was done in the ethnic war in former Yugoslavia or antimultietnicismo)? And then what the hell does it mean ethnicity? A Neapolitan is the same shit about Po?

But unfortunately this crap is not only fed and fomented by the various racist Borghezio, Calderoli, Maroni, Russia, and fascists of various kinds ... let us ask those who make the game when you make your campaigns to give more money to the police, asking for more police, or when touting the increase in illegal immigration as a failure of the League. And especially considering the league come modello, che schifo... Il modello sarebbe chi propone l'egoismo territoriale, l'integralismo cattolico e una mafiosità settentrionale? A Cuneo il "fenomeno" della Lega che siede in Consiglio Comunale in un suo giornalaccio diffuso in ogni casella postale ci fa sapere che proporrà il federalismo delle frazioni del Comune di Cuneo, sul serio senza parole se non disgusto e disprezzo...

"Se voi però avete diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri allora vi dirò che, nel vostro senso, io non ho Patria e reclamo il diritto di dividere il mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall'altro. Gli uni son la mia Patria, gli altri i miei stranieri."

Don Milani

Underlying Causees Of Canine Rectal Prolapse

Welcome to the land of the new apartheid.

Mentre il governo ha fatto passare le leggi iper-razziste volute dalla Lega Nord (e non solo):

  • reato di clandestinità;

  • prolungamento della permanenza nei Cie (cioè quei lager che prima si chiamavano Cpt, istituiti con una legge della cuneese Livia Turco e da quel Napolitano, che oggi da Presidente della Repubblica afferma che in Italia si sta diffondendo il razzismo... caro Napolitano indovina chi lo ha aiutato a far nascere?);

  • tasse salate per il permesso di soggiorno e limitazioni al diritto marriage (but these dogs fucking family advocate?)

  • "rounds", beautiful and Lega fascist gangs who walk under our windows ... I'll buy a nice chamber pot ...;

  • principals and doctors "can (?)" report illegal immigrants;

  • Subscriptions all'angrafe forbidden to the children of undocumented parents.

The Prime Minister told us that Italy is not multiethnic. This statement is the most terrible it can be said. It was not the very idea of \u200b\u200bfascism that Mussolini occupied Yugoslavia "normalizing" the local people, by imposing the forced Italianization names? and then there are those who tell us that the sinkholes were not right ... What did you think of Berlusconi? Ethnic cleansing? Ask the Italians to rape foreign women (as was done in the ethnic war in former Yugoslavia or antimultietnicismo)? And then what the hell does it mean ethnicity? A Neapolitan is the same shit about Po?

But unfortunately this crap is not only fed and fomented by the various racist Borghezio, Calderoli, Maroni, Russia, and fascists of various kinds ... let us ask those who make the game when you make your campaigns to give more money to the police, asking for more police, or when touting the increase in illegal immigration as a failure of the League. And especially considering the league come modello, che schifo... Il modello sarebbe chi propone l'egoismo territoriale, l'integralismo cattolico e una mafiosità settentrionale? A Cuneo il "fenomeno" della Lega che siede in Consiglio Comunale in un suo giornalaccio diffuso in ogni casella postale ci fa sapere che proporrà il federalismo delle frazioni del Comune di Cuneo, sul serio senza parole se non disgusto e disprezzo...

"Se voi però avete diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri allora vi dirò che, nel vostro senso, io non ho Patria e reclamo il diritto di dividere il mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall'altro. Gli uni son la mia Patria, gli altri i miei stranieri."

Don Milani

Friday, March 27, 2009

Morrowind Bloodmoon What Level


Morrowind Bloodmoon What Level


Dried Vegetable Snack

Phantasma 5 4 3