Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Had Cervical Polyps Come Back

Dear Blog I left miserably because I do not know what to write, then I back this draft post dated 18/02/2009. It was exactly one year ago, Veltroni had just resigned as secretary of the PD and the way I wanted to contribute to the discussion. The thought that I wanted to ask was somewhat anticipatory and confirmed the exit in recent months of several books on the history and prospects of the Italian Left by PCI to the present, a symptom of a very open discussion on ways forward and policy options taken in recent years: there is " rediscovery of Marx and its economic analysis, a new debate about the meaning of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fruits of the famous Bolognina. Let's talk.

"Since all are writing or have their say on Veltroni and the whole brothel happened I wonder why I can not do so well. I know that my blog is read by every now and then democratic comrades would like to propose is mainly their the beginning of a reflection. I do not want to start dalla fine, dicendo quello che dovrebbero o non dovrebbero fare, se era giusto o no o fare lezioni accademiche sugli sbagli compiuti in quest'ultimi mesi. Io vorrei proporre una discussione che parta da tanto tempo prima. C'è il 1921, c'è forse prima il fallimento del biennio rosso e la proposta gramsciana di rivoluzione d'occidente, di egemonia, di partito... ma purtroppo questi semi furono sterilizzati dal ventennio fascista e la sciagura stalinista... Poi si potrebbe parlare di Togliatti, della destalinizzazione, del compromesso storico o di Berlinguer, della conclusione della spinta propulsiva della Rivoluzione d'ottobre o della questione morale. Ovviamente non si possono dimenticare il crollo dei socialismi nei paesi dell'est e l'involuzione di Whole cadres of the Communist Party to a new part. It 's like watching a plant, a tree from its roots go through a series of choices that change the size, we vary the form and the wealth of leaves and fruits on its branches. The history of Italian socialism has a long history, the turning Communist has given a fast growing and majestic, bathed in the blood of its best sons during the Resistance to Nazi-fascism in Europe, workers and trade unionists murdered by the lackeys of capitalism, and by mobsters Fascists. You can observe a plant with many scars, but that has always worked in Italy for democracy and the republic. Veltroni's defeat is undoubtedly the defeat of the Italian left, a defeat born in 1989, gained a defeat in 20 years that can be recovered with great difficulty, it will take a long time and perhaps a bit of honesty on the part of all healthy. Especially by those who have made certain choices in the past 20 years leading the majority in society to be left to a minority frightening. We have to wonder whether this was avoidable, if the Bolognina and complete removal of the history and merits of PCI were not the first step of this disaster. "


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