Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Prior Installation Of Rome Total War Was Found

FIARC makes the laws?

occasion of a journey of chasing Michael in Illinois in November last year, I started to "browse" the Internet to update on the legal situation of hunting with a bow in Italy and around the world.
usual, Google was the solution to the doubts that vave, and led me on several sites, until I found http://www.cacciaconlarco.it/paginabase.htm , a site that seems to be the most comprehensive available in Italian on the subject.
The peculiarity is that the site does not contain any direct information in relation to the creators and operators of the same, but only links to other associations that deal with hunting in general and hunting with the bow, including the FIARC, and no link to FITARCO. Only well digging through the pages we reach the condition at the bottom of a page "It 'a realization of the Archers of Yir Vado - Bologna."
The site is fairly comprehensive and informative in relation to different aspects of bow hunting in Italy and worldwide, but it was the page on the legislation that attracted my attention immediately. Interesting to discover that while bow hunting is legal in terms of Italian law, some regions instead expressly prohibited. Even more interesting however to find that the two provinces of Tuscany, to Siena and Livorno have gone far beyond the arc or tacitly approve the ban, ma ne hanno addirittura regolamentato l’uso con delibere della Giunta Provinciale.
Entrambe le delibere riportano un articolo simile, che consente la Caccia di selezione con l’Arco. L’articolo completo in entrambe le delibere, con minime variazioni suona così:

Per l’esercizio della caccia di selezione è altresì consentito l’uso dell’arco di potenza non inferiore a 50 libbre. Il selecacciatore che intenda esercitare la caccia con l’arco, deve essere in possesso della licenza di caccia e presentare all’Amministrazione Provinciale una certificazione sottoscritta da un istruttore FIARC , attestante una prova di tiro su campo autorizzato da a distance of not less than 30 meters to the "compound" and 20 for the traditional bow. The test is valid with the result 4 of 5 centers in the vital area of \u200b\u200bthe species to target. Vital target area is defined as a minimum diameter of 20 cm. During the same output of the hunting selecacciatore may not use both the gun and bow.

It 'obvious that such an article of provincial regulations that can not be defined by FIARC itself or by persons related to it, requiring the certification of an instructor FIARC to hunt for the selection, and surely it must be acknowledged the FIARC that it undertook in the regulation of hunting with a bow in the two mentioned provinces.

But at this point, what is the position and that of its licensed FITARCO against Bowhunting? An affiliated FITARCO can not obtain a permit to hunt with a bow in the two provinces, if not previously enrolled at FIARC and will not submit to the test required?
Because, although the FITARCO the only archery federation recognized by the Olympic Committee and then by law, can not itself certify the capacity of their membership card to go hunting with a bow? But it is only FIARC that makes the laws on hunting or helped to write? And who FIARC attributed to that authority, and according to what? And why not FITARCO notes its existence on the subject?

Michele went hunting with three friends in Illinois. He bought the regular hunting license of the place, paid for the specific killing of deer without antlers, the rate reserved for non-residents, it was fitted with a compound bow from 65 pounds (the local law requires a minimum of 40 lbs) did the mail for five days by pulling only two arrows, one of which is empty and one that brought down the prey at 40 meters, has regularly found its prey by following the tracks and reported the killing on the Internet as required by law. All in perfect compliance with the rules written and unwritten hunting. In America.

other hand, if Michael wants to go hunting in Italy in the provinces of Siena and Livorno, in addition to obtaining regular hunting license should also join the FIARC do and go get a certificate on his shooting skills from FIARC an instructor.

But FIARC, makes the laws?


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