Frankly, I do not understand!
Back from a weekend in Ireland, where we talked about the international calendar, facing methods and time to put together a team for the European Plate in Rovereto, and we have concluded that the international calendar this year is definitely no any logical sense, technical and sports, and nobody knew why.
While more than half of half of Europe is still the last snow shoveling, including Italy, the website of FITA announced that the preliminary entries for the race World Cup in Antalya for the second week of June will be closed on March 9 last year, with the European Championships, the theoretical main event of the season will end two weeks earlier, in late May, and the first World Cup race held in Porec in Croatia just three weeks before the Europeans, in early May, just over a month after closure of the European Indoor Championships held in the identical place and they see the races start right from tomorrow.
between tomorrow, the end of the European Indoor Championships, and May 31, the various European nations must find ways to:
1) Return from Indoor Championships and organize competitions to select the immediate plate to test or qualify the athletes for the World Cup in Porec, on the European plate Rovereto and the Junior Cup, Reggio Calabria (one week before Rovereto), which is also qualifying for the Olympic Youth
2) come up with who and how many to send to the World Cup in Antalya after
3) think about whether to send someone in Armenia for the second European Grand Prix June 22 to 27, comforted by the fact that the Greek Federation has meanwhile cleared the first of the Grand Prix, which was to take place in Rhodes April 20 to 25.
Non solo quest’anno il circuito dei Grand Prix Europei si apre dopo il Campionato Europeo Targa perché questo è all’inizio della stagione all’aperto, ma la Coppa Europa Junior è stata ridotta per la prima volta dalla istituzione ad una sola prova nell’ intera stagione, giusto la settimana prima degli stessi Europei targa, costringendo le strutture tecniche di tute le nazioni ad un tour de force di oltre 15 gg per presenziare ai due eventi; ma niente, in confronto alla brillante idea di organizzare gli Europei Juniores Targa in Germania nelle stesse date dei Mondiali di Campagna in Ungheria.
In questo caso, sia tecnici che atleti si dovranno dividere tra i due eventi, e certamente l’evento penalizzato saranno i Mondiali Country, where in all youth classes are often hard to reach the minimum number of participants to assign the title.
Frankly, I do not understand.
Emau can not understand how to put together a calendar so stupid and damaging to the entire technical community activities.
do not understand how you should be able to delegate those events, or as European Indoor Grand Prix, in nations that barely know how to organize simple races, then to get the race or be removed with absolutely no communication on it.
I do not know how to cancel a European Cup race in order to promote the organization of the Junior Grand Prix senior, and then opt out one of them without restoring the Junior race.
I do not understand how one can leave Europe to organize a Junior "against" Country in the World, in effect putting a stone on the activities of the youth campaign in Europe.
I do not understand how one can organize the Europeans insist Targa 70 as a double mt, when he restored the valence FITA FITA Round the world race with the introduction of two shifts for the first 8 bye, and next year at the World Turin the top of the FITA Olympic games will want to say safe.
Then, look at the Italian calendar, I see that this year's indoor season was made to finish once again at the end of January making lì i Campionati Italiani , lasciando Febbraio e Marzo vuoti di eventi e obiettivi per gli arcieri Italiani; vedo che in Aprile avrà luogo la sempre meno interessante e tecnicamente assurda finale dei cosiddetti Campionati Italiani di Società, totalmente inutile dal punto di vista tecnico e che coinvolge inoltre solo una minima frazione delle società italiane; ed in fine, vedo che il sito federale riporta un comunicato stampa relativo ad un circuito di gare comuni FITARCO e FIARC come se si trattasse di Eventi Internazionali, mentre coinvolgono al massimo trecento tesserati Fitarco, mentre invece i nuovi regolamenti FITA in vigore dal primo di Aprile che ne coinvolgono quindicimila di tesserati, non sono ancora stati comunica ti alle società alla data today, 12 days after the entry into force.
Frankly, now I understand.
Politics is now dominating the entire organization archery Italian and European, and certainly even now a large part of that world. The events are organized for political reasons, not technical, and rely on the organizers with political knowledge, not technical, to achieve a political, not technical, and unfortunately even remotely image. Experience, dates, calendar, preparation of the athletes in this context have less than zero. Athletes need to get an international medal if he comes, or to take the sins of those who do not reach, while archery while the European political system is occupa delle sue prossime elezioni (a Rovereto a fine Maggio con gli Europei) e quello Italiano della non tanto futura battaglia per la successione a Mario Scarsella.
Intanto, Iran, Myammar e Tailandia hanno raggiunto Korea, India, Giappone, Cina , Taipei e Malesia tra gli avversari asiatici temibili per la qualificazione olimpica.
Intanto, il Brasile ha messo in piedi una intera struttura tecnica rivolta alle Olimpiadi 2016, la Turchia è tornata competitiva, il Messico è già una realtà temibilissima, la squadra Canadese olimpica è sempre più forte, tutte le nazioni sudamericane sono in fase di potenziamento.
Intanto, i nostri giovani hanno esaurito il ciclo vincente che li vedeva primeggiare da anni a livello at least European, and our seniors are no longer even remotely the points that were years ago.
But meanwhile, we beiamo of our positions and policies within all'Emau FITA and our foresight in managing the future of 3D shooting.
Frankly, I do not understand.
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