Monday, February 7, 2011

Line Cook Resume Samples

Dreaming of a real magazine / 2

I know, sometimes I repeat, in the case of Italian magazines I think archery is little to add to comments already made in Dreaming a real magazine in November 2009.
But they are also stubborn and convinced that with a little 'pressure from the readers dell'arcosfera something, maybe sooner or later, maybe perhaps, can change.

Our two national magazines have changed, in 2010.
not you noticed?
Already, changes have not been some momentous, but small improvement efforts, unfortunately with no effect on the final outcome of the product.
Archers began using photos of Dean Alberga, the official photographer of FITA, with regard to international events. The quality of the picture of international events has undoubtedly improved, but only the expert eye, because the persistent poor quality printing and very small size of foto hanno praticamente vanificato il tentativo di miglioramento.
Arco invece ha subito prima una ristrutturazione grafica ed un cambio di redazione, poi ha scontato il terribile lutto della perdita dell’’amico Nicola Bucci, creatore e anima della rivista da sempre. La combinazione dei due fattori ha portato il risultato finale a precipitare in abissi di illeggibilità mai neppure sfiorati in passato.

Nelle ultime settimane ho letto e sfogliato un bel po’ di riviste recenti. Dalla edizione di The Bow distribuita alla finale della Coppa del mondo di Edimburgo il Settembre scorso, con la presentazione di tutti I partecipanti alla stessa, fino alla rivista istituzionale FITA excursus on the 2010 season, passing through four numbers Bogensport with summary of major world events from August 2010 to December of Face to Face.
The comparison with the Italian magazine and unforgiving.
None of the Italian magazine has the international events before their execution, no talks unless the Italians present at the races, not publish technical articles of international , not even able to summarize what happens in the archery world. No, above all, is able to create any interest in a sporadic reader.
Bogensport 1 / 2011 and other
Archers in the last two numbers is the apotheosis of the politicization of the contents, with the extensive use of technology or partial omission of the communication Minimal better not to inform or advise on the Federal management. Clamorous the Korean case, the coach Mrs. 'Sally' Park, taken our women's national team. It is clear from the summary of his possible assumption of a statement, the Federal Council on the nr. 5 / 2010 and you discover that Italy is now in a short article about the number 6, which is cited come tecnico della squadra femminile. Nello stesso piccolo riquadro a sfondo azzurro, si scopre inoltre che Filippo Clini da tecnico della squadra maschile è diventato Tecnico di Supporto e dei Materiali e Pietro Suk ha preso il suo posto.
Possibile che una ristrutturazione tecnica centrale di tale portata non meritasse un articolo con spiegazioni dettagliate?  Possibile che “Sally” Park, ex olimpionica e ex coach della nazionale di Singapore non meritasse almeno una foto e due righe di presentazione?  Solo per fare un esempio di informazione quantomeno parziale, se non di omissioni intenzionali.

Arco invece sull’ultimo numero è la quintessenza the confusion of roles.
Notoriously, Arco is primarily the official journal of FIARC, and in that way serves the same political tasks of Archers against FITARCO. But almost always, the publisher Greentime has a collaboration agreement with FITARCO, who also leads the magazine to deal fairly random and confusing world of Italian FITA. Then, just over a year, Arco also has a page dedicated to EMAU (FITA in Europe), which is filled for some inexplicable reason is in Italian with English translation thereof. One may ask: but if it is intended to dell'EMAU federations, the Italian text is totally useless ... Poi,  Arco ha anche da anni una mezza pagina dedicata all’Aniata (Associazione Nazionale Istruttori e Allenatori Tiro con l’Arco). Qu invece ci si chiede, visto che gli iscritti alla associazione sono pochissimi, a che serva, ma questa è un’altra storia. Per ultimo, ecco alla fine anche la pagina dedicata agli Arcieri cacciatori di Federcaccia, incomprensibile ed illeggibile da parte dei non addetti ai lavori.
L’insieme delle varie anime di Arco e la confusione che evidentemente regna sovrana nel dopo Bucci porta quindi  il numero 6/2010 a pubblicare articoli tipo “La grinta del Cucciolo”, sui successi di un 13enne FIARC che pare sia un fenomeno con il Long Bow (phenomenon but compared to whom?), alongside an article on super skimpy FITA World Cup final in Edinburgh and the victory of our Pagni, followed by "The rendevouz the solstice," dedicated to the third Fair edition archery (archery but what?) FITARCO promotion in schools (?), the news that the Grand Prix will be Emau Open in 2011 and legal references for the selection of hunting in Tuscany.
I do not want the various editors of individual articles of Arc, I'm not criticizing their content, but the total absence of a general framework in which to insert them. The lack an editorial, in fact.

The two Italian magazines, combined into a single monthly and are excluded from the direct financing of the two federations would still easily coprirea properly the world of archery and Italian world and perhaps be read to non-specialists. We can Bogensport and magazines as The Bow, so it's possible. As they are not all bad, they are also counterproductive. Several new members to FITARCO I interviewed told me that browsing Archers and then throw it, not finding anything interesting and understandable to their level of beginners. Arco rather not even know that there being nowhere to be found praticamnte newsstands. And maybe it's a good thing ...

The numerro of January 2011 Bogensport is instead a feast for the eyes, if not for the lyrics (my German is a bit 'tough), and certainly for the photos for content.
  • Cover dedicated to the beautiful former Miss Thailand, archers engaged internationally.
  • Article on training with Russel Crowe learning to prepare for the part of Robin Hood.
  • Article on applied kinesiology shooting Archery
  • Interview with former Miss Thailand
  • news articles for 2011 Hoyt compound
  • Article on Carbon limbs French full UUKHA with performance tests on our
  • Article Natalia Valeeva visiting the center with Beiter the whole family.
  • interview with the German sample Students Compound
  • Paginole triple with the sequences to shoot some of the finalists of the cup dlemondo Edinburgh
  • Six pages with all the FITA world records updated in late 2010
  • Interview with Robert Hesse technical
  • Test of the new compound bow Alpine Concorde
  • Article on Target pianificazione di un raduno di allenamento
  • Articolo di Andreas Lorenz sullo sviluppo dlle nuove gare per compound
  • Aggiornamento sulla situazione della Bundersliga (circuito di campionato indoor a squadre di club)
  • Due pagine dedicate all'elenco di tutti i 1400 FITA e dei materiali da loro utilizzati
  • Articolo di GeorgeTeckmitchov  sulle motivazioni nel tiro al chiuso.
  • Poi ancora vita di club, presentazioni materiali e tanta, tanta pubblicità di prodotti arcieristici e novità di tutte marche.

Natalia Valeeva Bogensport and family on 1 / 2011
In the next issue: the Bogensport, reports and chronicles the Face to Face and Nimes 2011 and new ATC Show in Indianapolis (the fair of the archery world, the real one)

Well, I am convinced that even the mere translation of Bogensport by replacement of specific articles of the German world (a few anyway) would result in a magazine vendibilissima in Italy.
Who knows, someone sooner or later non ci pensi, sognando una rivista vera…


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